
Scott Olsen v Oakland Police Dept

Scott Olsen v Oakland Police Department
by Sue Basko

Scott Olsen v Oakland Police Dept is a lawsuit arising out of police abuse occurring on October 25, 2012, in response to an Occupy Oakland protest.   Police shot a high velocity round of metal pellets (so-called "beanbag")  directly at the head of Scott Olsen, an Iraq War veteran.  His skull was cracked and he was left severely wounded.  When people went to help Mr Olsen, they were also attacked.  There is video of the incident, and it shows the shocking intentional nature of the attacks.  

It was a horrifying night.  First Amendment rights to assemble were trampled upon in a way meant to squelch dissent.  The abuse was not merely against those present, but against all of us who rely on the U.S. Constitution to support our freedoms.

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